방탄소년단 - Idol
you can call me artist, you can call me idol 아님 어떤 다른 뭐라 해도 I don't care
I'm proud of it 난 자유롭네 no more irony 나는 항상 나였기에
손가락질해 나는 전혀 신경 쓰지 않네 나를 욕하는 너의 그 이유가 뭐든 간에
I know what I am, I know what I want, I never gon' change, I never gon' trade (trade off)
* 뭘 어쩌고저쩌고 떠들어대셔 I do what I do
그니까 넌 너나 잘하셔 you can't stop me lovin' myself
# 얼쑤 좋다 you can't stop me lovin' myself
지화자 좋다 you can't stop me lovin' myself
@ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 덩기덕 쿵더러러 얼쑤 (x2)
face off 마치 오우삼 ay, top star with that spotlight, ay 때론 슈퍼히어로가 돼 돌려대 너의 anpanman
24시간이 적지? 헷갈림 내겐 사치 I do my thing, I love myself
I love myself, I love my fans, love my dance and my what 내 속안엔 몇십 몇 백명의 내가 있어
오늘 또 다른 날 맞이해 어차피 전부 다 나이기에 고민보다는 걍 달리네 runnin' man, runnin' man, runnin' man
* 뭘 어쩌고저쩌고 떠들어대셔 I do what I do
그니까 넌 너나 잘하셔 you can't stop me lovin' myself
# 얼쑤 좋다 you can't stop me lovin' myself
지화자 좋다 you can't stop me lovin' myself
@ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 덩기덕 쿵더러러 얼쑤 (x2)
I'm so fine wherever I go 가끔 멀리 돌아가도
it's okay, I'm in love with my, my myself, it's okay 난 이 순간 행복해
# 얼쑤 좋다 you can't stop me lovin' myself
지화자 좋다 you can't stop me lovin' myself
@ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 덩기덕 쿵더러러 얼쑤 (x2)
you can call me artist, you can call me idol 或者不論說什麼 I don't care
I'm proud of it 我很自由 no more irony 因為我總是我自己
I know what I am, I know what I want, I never gon' change, I never gon' trade (trade off)
* 又在說著這樣又那樣 I do what I do
所以啊,你只要顧好自己就好 you can't stop me lovin' myself
# 好!很棒!you can't stop me lovin' myself
哎嗨哟!很棒!you can't stop me lovin' myself
@ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 咚奇咚,咕咚隆隆,好!(x2)
face off 就像吳宇森 ay, top star with that spotlight, ay 有時會成為超級英雄,轉頭吧,你的 anpanman
24 小時還太少吧,錯亂對我是奢侈 I do my thing, I love myself
I love myself, I love my fans, love my dance and my what 在我的身體裡還有幾十幾百個我
今天又迎來另一天,反正全部都是我,比起煩惱倒不如就這樣奔跑吧 runnin' man, runnin' man, runnin' man
* 又在說著這樣又那樣 I do what I do
所以啊,你只要顧好自己就好 you can't stop me lovin' myself
# 好!很棒!you can't stop me lovin' myself
哎嗨哟!很棒!you can't stop me lovin' myself
@ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 咚奇咚,咕咚隆隆,好!(x2)
I'm so fine wherever I go 就算偶爾會繞個遠路
it's okay, I'm in love with my, my myself, it's okay 我在這一瞬間很幸福
# 好!很棒!you can't stop me lovin' myself
哎嗨哟!很棒!you can't stop me lovin' myself
@ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 咚奇咚,咕咚隆隆,好!(x2)