멜로디데이 - Speed Up
온몸이 쏠리는 이 느낌 액셀을 밟아 힘껏
시선은 좁혀져 focus in, I'm racing me
(ooh) 더 turn it up now (ooh) 싫으면 stop!
I'm driving into a fantasy, don't follow me
can't sleep, can't eat 내 머릿속엔 오직
one thing, tonight 딴생각 따윈 안나
직진 직진 쭉 뻗은 길을 따라
I live to die, come on, baby, take me there
빠른 느낌보다 좀 더 빠르게 이건 본능이야 느낌대로 해
가슴이 뜨거워져 팍 팍 튀게 spark! spark! spark! 조금 더 speed up
처음 만난 운명의 갈림길 두 눈을 감아 힘껏
Rap) 내 심장은 burning, burning up 이제 핸들을 꺾어
아무도 don't know 낯선 미지의 세계로 let's go
(ooh) 단호한 결단 (ooh) 변명은 stop!
책임질 준비는 됐겠지? it's all on me
can't sleep, can't eat 가끔은 불안한 길
one thing, tonight 네 자신을 믿어봐
직진 직진 끝장을 볼 때까지
I live to die, come on, baby, take me there
* 빠른 느낌보다 좀 더 빠르게 아슬아슬한 이 순간 take a chance
가슴이 뜨거워져 팍 팍 튀게 spark! spark! spark! 조금 더 speed up
can't sleep, can't eat (oh, you gotta speed up)
can't sleep, can't eat (딴 건 없어 필요 없어)
can't sleep, can't eat, wow
조금 더 speed up
하얗게 밝아온다 하얗게 새워 tonight, soon I'll be
parking in the party, oh 그 순간까지
절정을 향해서 나 달려가 let's ride
* 빠른 느낌보다 좀 더 빠르게 아슬아슬한 이 순간 take a chance
가슴이 뜨거워져 팍 팍 튀게 spark! spark! spark! 조금 더 speed up
can't sleep, can't eat (oh, you gotta speed up)
can't sleep, can't eat (딴 건 없어 필요 없어)
can't sleep, can't eat, wow
you gotta speed up
視線變得狹窄 focus in, I'm racing me
(ooh) 更加 turn it up now (ooh) 討厭的話 stop!
I'm driving into a fantasy, don't follow me
can't sleep, can't eat 在我的腦海中只有
one thing, tonight 其他的想法一點也沒有
I live to die, come on, baby, take me there
胸口開始發燙,怦怦跳動著 spark! spark! spark! 再一點 speed up
Rap) 我的心臟 burning, burning up 現在轉動方向盤
誰也 don't know 向著陌生、未知的世界 let's go
(ooh) 斷然的決定 (ooh) 辯明就 stop!
準備好要負責了吧 it's all on me
can't sleep, can't eat 偶爾也讓人覺得不安的道路
one thing, tonight 試著相信你自己吧
I live to die, come on, baby, take me there
* 比起快速的感覺還要更加迅速,驚險的這個瞬間 take a chance
胸口開始發燙,怦怦跳動著 spark! spark! spark! 再一點 speed up
can't sleep, can't eat (oh, you gotta speed up)
can't sleep, can't eat (沒有其他的,我都不需要)
can't sleep, can't eat, wow
再一點 speed up
開始發亮了,徹夜 tonight, soon I'll be
parking in the party, oh 直到這一瞬間
向著頂點,奔跑吧 let's ride
* 比起快速的感覺還要更加迅速,驚險的這個瞬間 take a chance
胸口開始發燙,怦怦跳動著 spark! spark! spark! 再一點 speed up
can't sleep, can't eat (oh, you gotta speed up)
can't sleep, can't eat (沒有其他的,我都不需要)
can't sleep, can't eat, wow
you gotta speed up