철구 - 신세계 (feat.혜림)
* I'm gonna be waiting for you, you could be changing for me
take my hand, I would catch if you fall
it's gonna be hard to turn back, it's gonna be painful a lot
but I can feel the new world will arrive, it is not too far
Rap) 세상은 나에게 괜찮다 괜찮다고 누구나 다 그렇게 사는 거라고
그러나 나에겐 절대 그렇지 않아 아니 나 자신을 내 팽겨 둘 수 없어
Rap) 용서하고 싶지 않아 너에게 진 빚과 죄 빛을 찾가 걸어가 흐르는 눈물 감춘 채
역겨운 찌꺼기들 내 목숨 걸어 걸러내 바닥을 드러낸 후엔 올 거야 그 신세계가
* I'm gonna be waiting for you, you could be changing for me
take my hand, I would catch if you fall
it's gonna be hard to turn back, it's gonna be painful a lot
but I can feel the new world will arrive, it is not too far
Rap) 모든 게 다 그런 거라고 잠자코 다 사는 거라고
설득하려 하지 마 이 바보 그릇된 상식을 깨부셔 바로 (인정? 어 인정)
Rap) 당연히 힘들겠지? 당연히 아프겠지? 몇십년을 이렇게 살았는데 내 몸안 뼈 속까지
썩어문들어진 고름덩어리 짜내려면 아주 많이 열라 많이 눈물나게 고통스럽겠지?
Rap) 하지만 어차피 누군가는 바꿔야 해 너 보고 하라는 게 아냐
잠시 마음의 각도를 조금만 비틀어 봐 니 brain 속에 박혀져 있는 걸
Rap) 이 정돈 돈 안 들잖아? 늦더라고 결국엔 바껴질 거야
천천히 시간이 걸리겠지만 결국 이뤄지는 게 서로 좋잖아?
Rap) 그러다보면 그렇게 조금씩 하다보면 finally 눈앞에 서서히 나타나는 거야
그토록 아름다운 백화점 아니 그 신세계가
* I'm gonna be waiting for you, you could be changing for me
take my hand, I would catch if you fall
it's gonna be hard to turn back, it's gonna be painful a lot
but I can feel the new world will arrive, it is not too far
you have to break from your mind, you have to wipe out the rule
we would see different things at some point
the better world is coming soon, the newer world is coming quick
I agree, yes, I agree fo-sho, you will make it right
* I'm gonna be waiting for you, you could be changing for me
take my hand, I would catch if you fall
it's gonna be hard to turn back, it's gonna be painful a lot
but I can feel the new world will arrive, it is not too far
Rap) 世界總是告訴我沒關係,總是說無論是誰都是這樣生活的
Rap) 我並不想原諒,對你欠下的債及罪,我會藏起眼淚,前去尋找那一道光芒
* I'm gonna be waiting for you, you could be changing for me
take my hand, I would catch if you fall
it's gonna be hard to turn back, it's gonna be painful a lot
but I can feel the new world will arrive, it is not too far
Rap) 人們總是說,一切都是這樣的,靜靜地生活吧
傻瓜,不要試圖說服我,打破這樣的常識吧,立刻 (認可嗎?嗯,認可)
Rap) 當然會辛苦,也當然會心痛,幾十年來都這樣地生活,深深到了我的骨子裡
Rap) 但是,反正總有人得要改變,這不是要你去做什麼
讓你心裡的角度歪斜一點點,釘在你的 brain 之中
Rap) 光是這樣的程度並不會花錢吧,就算有點遲了也一定會改變的
Rap) 這樣看來,如果這樣一點一點做了 finally 就會慢慢出現在眼前
* I'm gonna be waiting for you, you could be changing for me
take my hand, I would catch if you fall
it's gonna be hard to turn back, it's gonna be painful a lot
but I can feel the new world will arrive, it is not too far
you have to break from your mind, you have to wipe out the rule
we would see different things at some point
the better world is coming soon, the newer world is coming quick
I agree, yes, I agree fo-sho, you will make it right