요아리 - Blow off
어둠을 헤매이는 갈 곳 없는 영혼처럼 끝없이 들려오는 알 수 없는 비명처럼 (feat of the dark)
빛을 잃은 밤 흔적 없이 사라져 다 타 버린 paradise 썩어 버린 것 같아 (we're all dead)
* 흘러 흘러 내 온몸을 타고 흐르는 아픔
멈춰 버린 시간 속에 갇힌 채 떠돌아
# I can't feel alive, you would be the same, oh, oh, oh, oh, woo
feel alive? you know what I'm saying 뛰지 않아 내 심장은
smoke fire, it's not enough 벗어날 수 없어 난 널 blow off
smoke fire, it's not enough going off, I'm already ready to go
아무런 표정 없이 바라보는 눈빛들은 부서진 기억들만 머릿속을 파고들어 (fear of the dark)
* 흘러 흘러 내 온몸을 타고 흐르는 아픔
멈춰 버린 시간 속에 갇힌 채 떠돌아
# I can't feel alive, you would be the same, oh, oh, oh, oh, woo
feel alive? you know what I'm saying 뛰지 않아 내 심장은
smoke fire, it's not enough 벗어날 수 없어 난 널 blow off
smoke fire, it's not enough going off, I'm already ready to go
빛이 없는 암흑 속을 걷고 있어
아무것도 남지 않은 inside
# I can't feel alive, you would be the same, oh, oh, oh, oh, woo
feel alive? you know what I'm saying 뛰지 않아 내 심장은
smoke fire, it's not enough 벗어날 수 없어 난 널 blow off
smoke fire, it's not enough going off, I'm already ready to go
就像是在黑暗中徘徊、找不到可去處的靈魂,就像是無止盡地傳來、無從得知的悲鳴 (feat of the dark)
失去了光芒的夜晚,沒有痕跡地消失了,完全燃燒的 paradise 好像已經腐爛了 (we're all dead)
* 流動又流動著,乘著我的全身流動著的心痛
# I can't feel alive, you would be the same, oh, oh, oh, oh, woo
feel alive? you know what I'm saying 我的心臟不再跳動
smoke fire, it's not enough 無法擺脫,我將妳 blow off
smoke fire, it's not enough going off, I'm already ready to go
沒有表情地凝視著的眼神,只有破碎的記憶鑽進了腦中 (fear of the dark)
* 流動又流動著,乘著我的全身流動著的心痛
# I can't feel alive, you would be the same, oh, oh, oh, oh, woo
feel alive? you know what I'm saying 我的心臟不再跳動
smoke fire, it's not enough 無法擺脫,我將妳 blow off
smoke fire, it's not enough going off, I'm already ready to go
什麼也不剩的 inside
# I can't feel alive, you would be the same, oh, oh, oh, oh, woo
feel alive? you know what I'm saying 我的心臟不再跳動
smoke fire, it's not enough 無法擺脫,我將妳 blow off
smoke fire, it's not enough going off, I'm already ready to go