산이 - Me You (feat.백예림)
* oh, boy, I'm kinda new to this 어떻게 말해야 되지?
그냥 솔직히 말할게 baby, I think I'm in love
# 자꾸 기분이 up 돼 생각만 해도 찡해
장난 아냐 no playing 확신이 들어
@ there is something going between me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me and you
I sing this song like I don't need no girlfriend
왜냐면 드디어 만났거든 girlfriend
이 노랠 듣고 꺼져 ex-girlfriends, don't call me
그녀가 불안해하잖아 what you want from me
이유는 간단해 cause she got something for me
너와는 달라 달라 달라 말 못했지만
넌 돈 쓰길 바라고 그녀는 마음 쓰기 바래 yeah, I said it
비교해서 미안 그녀 함께하다 너와 놀면 하품이 나 yawning
so what? (so what?)
날 위해 그녈 위해 너는 block, block, block
* oh, boy, I'm kinda new to this 어떻게 말해야 되지?
그냥 솔직히 말할게 baby, I think I'm in love
# 자꾸 기분이 up 돼 생각만 해도 찡해
장난 아냐 no playing 확신이 들어
@ there is something going between me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me and you
I rap this song like I don't need no girlfriend
왜냐면 지금 옆에 있는 soul friend
친구도 되 연인도 되니? oh, well
그녀 남자로서 한 마디 해 줄게 ex-boyfriends
just don't call her
이제 그녀는 내가 있으니 밤에 전화하지 마
뭐하냐 묻지 마 괜히 걸어 봐라 뿌르르르 어 어 엄한 소리 들을라
니 lip service 느끼해하지? 마요
그녀 내 말투엔 빨개져 you gotta ketchup
Mr. 껄떡 전엔 신사답게 끝냈지만 딱 잘라 말할게 얄짤없어 I? you
boy, I'm kinda new to this 어떻게 말해야 될까?
그냥 솔직히 말할게 baby, I think I'm in love
# 자꾸 기분이 up 돼 생각만 해도 찡해
장난 아냐 no playing 확신이 들어
@ there is something going between me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me and you
once again
me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you,
me, you, me, you, it's you and me and you
and me and you, and me and you, and me and you, and me and
it's and on and on
* oh, boy, I'm kinda new to this 到底該怎麼說呢?
乾脆就實話實說吧 baby, I think I'm in love
# 心情總是 up 光是想像也讓我心酸
這不是開玩笑 no playing 我很確定
@ there is something going between me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me and you
I sing this song like I don't need no girlfriend
因為我終於遇見了 girlfriend
聽見這首歌,滾開吧 ex-girlfriends, don't call me
她顯得很不安 what you want from me
理由很簡單 cause she got something for me
妳希望我把錢花在妳身上,她則是希望我把心用在她身上 yeah, I said it
做了比較很抱歉,在和她一起之後,與妳玩樂只讓我打起哈欠 yawning
so what? (so what?)
為了我、也為了她,妳是 block, block, block
* oh, boy, I'm kinda new to this 到底該怎麼說呢?
乾脆就實話實說吧 baby, I think I'm in love
# 心情總是 up 光是想像也讓我心酸
這不是開玩笑 no playing 我很確定
@ there is something going between me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me and you
I rap this song like I don't need no girlfriend
因為現在在我身邊的 soul friend
可以是朋友,可以是戀人嗎?oh, well
讓我以她的男人的身份說一句 ex-boyfriends
just don't call her
感覺到了妳的 lip service 別了吧
她因為我的言語而臉孔泛紅 you gotta ketchup
Mr. 砰地一聲之前,雖然已經紳士性地劃下句點,簡單告訴你,我不會容忍你 I? you
boy, I'm kinda new to this 到底該怎麼說呢?
乾脆就實話實說吧 baby, I think I'm in love
# 心情總是 up 光是想像也讓我心酸
這不是開玩笑 no playing 我很確定
@ there is something going between me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me and you
once again
me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you
me, you, me, you, it's you and me, you, me, you,
me, you, me, you, it's you and me and you
and me and you, and me and you, and me and you, and me and
it's and on and on