TRPP - Yeah (Round and Round)
꺼지는 미움과 선명하지 않은 것 쌓아놓은 거짓에 손 내미는 기억
다름을 비우는 완전히 똑같은 것 똑같은 것
* 어차피 삶은 거짓 투성 우린 계속 돌고 돌아 미움이 없는 곳에 남아
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
꼬이는 믿음과 돌아오지 않는 것 넘치는 침묵에 입을 여는 시선
같음을 속이는 완전히 익숙한 것
* 어차피 삶은 거짓 투성 우린 계속 돌고 돌아 미움이 없는 곳에 남아
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
* 反正人生充滿虛假,我們持續轉啊轉地,留在沒有心的地方
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
* 反正人生充滿虛假,我們持續轉啊轉地,留在沒有心的地方
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round
we're going round and round and round