클랑 - No Way to Go
* it's killing me, take my breath away 엉켜 버린 기억을 따라가
there's nothing to lean on, fade away 흔적을 따라 널 찾겠어
woo, no way to go, woo, no way to go
가려진 그림자 소리 없이 걸어와 조금씩 내 목을 조여 오는 듯
멀어져만 가고 답을 알지 못한 채 먼지처럼 흩어져만 가네
변한 건 없어 맴돌기만 할 뿐야 I'll find away, I'll find away
계속 걸어가고 비틀거려도 결국 날 막을 순 없어 I'm moving on, I'm moving on 가둔 문을 열어
* it's killing me, take my breath away 엉켜 버린 기억을 따라가
there's nothing to lean on, fade away 흔적을 따라 널 찾겠어
woo, no way to go, woo, no way to go
눈을 떠 봐도 보이는 건 없어 I'll find away, I'll find away
멈춰지진 않아 반복될 뿐야 I'm moving on, I'm moving on 가둔 문을 열어
* it's killing me, take my breath away 엉켜 버린 기억을 따라가
there's nothing to lean on, fade away 흔적을 따라 널 찾겠어
woo, no way to go, woo, no way to go
* it's killing me, take my breath away 跟隨糾纏的記憶
there's nothing to lean on, fade away 沿著痕跡,我會找到你
woo, no way to go, woo, no way to go
沒什麼改變的,只是在打轉而已 I'll find away, I'll find away
就算步履蹣跚,也會持續走著,最終你無法阻止我 I'm moving on, I'm moving on 打開緊閉的門
* it's killing me, take my breath away 跟隨糾纏的記憶
there's nothing to lean on, fade away 沿著痕跡,我會找到你
woo, no way to go, woo, no way to go
就算睜開眼,卻什麼也看不見 I'll find away, I'll find away
我不會停止,只是不停反覆而已 I'm moving on, I'm moving on 打開緊閉的門
* it's killing me, take my breath away 跟隨糾纏的記憶
there's nothing to lean on, fade away 沿著痕跡,我會找到你
woo, no way to go, woo, no way to go