현아 - I'm not Cool
말투와 행동을 꾸민 듯 안 꾸며야 해 that's the way I like it, that's the way I like it
사람들 관심에 chic 하게 무심해야 해 that's the way I like it, that's the way I like it
* money, honey, I'm so greedy 그래 그래 그래
gimme that, gimme that, I'm not pretty 그래 나나나
나도 내 기분 못 맞춰 Rabiosa
나보다 독한 건 없어 like 살모사
# I'm not cool, I'm not cool, I'm not
뻔해 that's so funny 뻔해 that's so funny
삐까뻔쩍해 내 정신 상태 up and down 심한 애 사회적 거리를 둬
새벽이 너무 좋아 dawn, dawn, dawn (I'm not solo) that's the way I like it, that's the way I like it
* money, honey, I'm so greedy 그래 그래 그래
gimme that, gimme that, I'm not pretty 그래 나나나
나도 내 기분 못 맞춰 Rabiosa
나보다 독한 건 없어 like 살모사
# I'm not cool, I'm not cool, I'm not
뻔해 that's so funny 뻔해 that's so funny
yeah, eh, eh 나는 내가 예쁜데 어쩌라고 예쁜데 너는 누가 예쁜데?
yeah, eh, eh 나는 내가 예쁜데 나는 나를 예뻐해 너도 너를 예뻐해
# I'm not cool, I'm not cool, I'm not
뻔해 that's so funny 뻔해 that's so funny
좋아 눈치 없이 나대는 리듬이 좋아 염치없이 춤추는 기분이
옳아 둥둥거리는 kick drum 리듬이 옳아 쿵쿵거리는 나의 지금이
言語和行動,得要有打扮卻又沒有刻意打扮 that's the way I like it, that's the way I like it
對於人們的關心,要 chic 一點、不在意一點 that's the way I like it, that's the way I like it
* money, honey, I'm so greedy 是啊是啊是啊
gimme that, gimme that, I'm not pretty 是啊,我我我
我也猜不透自己的心情 Rabiosa
沒有比我更狠毒的了 like 日本蝮
# I'm not cool, I'm not cool, I'm not
太明白了 that's so funny 太明白了 that's so funny
七上八下,我的精神狀態 up and down 嚴重的傢伙,保持社會距離
清晨真的太好 dawn, dawn, dawn (I'm not solo) that's the way I like it, that's the way I like it
* money, honey, I'm so greedy 是啊是啊是啊
gimme that, gimme that, I'm not pretty 是啊,我我我
我也猜不透自己的心情 Rabiosa
沒有比我更狠毒的了 like 日本蝮
# I'm not cool, I'm not cool, I'm not
太明白了 that's so funny 太明白了 that's so funny
yeah, eh, eh 我覺得我很漂亮,你想怎樣?你認為誰才漂亮?
yeah, eh, eh 我覺得我很漂亮,我也很喜歡我自己,你也很喜歡你自己
# I'm not cool, I'm not cool, I'm not
太明白了 that's so funny 太明白了 that's so funny
沒錯,砰砰跳著的 kick drum 節奏,沒錯,怦怦跳著的我的現在
2021/01/28 Comeback Stage @M!Countdown
2021/01/30 Comeback Stage @MBC Show! Music Core
2021/01/31 Comeback Stage @SBS Inkigayo