whOOk, whOOk
ay, look at that moving eye, eyes 봤니? shOOg, shOOg, shOOg
hOOk 들어와 내게 좀 더 좋아 zOOm, zOOm, gOOd
get out 겁쟁인 XX 충격과 공포일 걸 OOps
gon' pOppin' it, pOppin' it, pOppin' it now 궁금해 미치겠지? open that bOOm
check out popcorn and zero coke 빠진 건 없지? come in 팔짱을 끼고 sit down
곧 터지는 탄성 아직까진 teaser, hOOt 기대해 coming sOOn 벌써 놀라지 마 calm down, down, down
dan, da, ra, dan, da, ra, dan 지금 시작해
dan, da, ra, dan, da, ra, dan, sorry, no way out
기다려 봐 잠깐 oh, tension 을 더 높여 더 높여 leggo
두 눈이 커져 like 'OO'
watch out, baila, baila, baila, watch it how nice, how nice (OO)
watch out, baila, baila, baila, watch it how nice, how nice (OO)
come on 한 방울 떨어뜨릴 때야 eye drops
watch out, baila, baila, baila, watch it how nice, how nice
0과 1의 미로가 보여? 보고 있지만 말고 follow
cause everything is fake, but I ain't fake 진짜 시작은 지금부터
빰 빰 빰 see more, more, more 빰 빰 빰 scream O O O
현실같은 dream 은 이제 지겹지 않니?
잠든 너를 tap, tap 깨워 knock, knock 어서 button 을 더 tap, tap 눌러 봐봐 follow, follow me
never let you down, be with me, let me be your super hero
ay, zip, zap, zOOm, come on, come on 날 꼭 잡아 잡아 just here we go
no 무서워할 거 없어 never give up, baby 너와 나를 믿어
zero + zero = ∞, oh 재밌지 않니?
ay, zip, zap, zOOm, come on, come on, baby, you are ma super hero
너무 늦기 전에 try, baby, what U waitin' for?
cause now is the time, and finally we'll win
watch out, baila, baila, baila, watch it how nice, how nice (OO)
watch out, baila, baila, baila, watch it how nice, how nice (OO)
come on 눈을 깜빡일 시간이야 babe
watch out, baila, baila, baila, watch it how nice, how nice (like 'OO')
어때? 어때? 어때? (OO) 좋아 좋아 좋아 (ㅇㅇ) oh, my 떨어진 멘탈은 챙겨가 babe
watch out, baila, baila, baila 어서 follow, follow
whOOk, whOOk
ay, look at that moving eye, eyes 看見了嗎?shOOg, shOOg, shOOg
hOOk 進來吧,再更喜歡我一點 zOOm, zOOm, gOOd
get out 膽小鬼 XX 是衝擊與恐怖 OOps
gon' pOppin' it, pOppin' it, pOppin' it now 好奇到要瘋了吧 open that bOOm
check out popcorn and zero coke 沒落下什麼吧 come in 雙手抱胸 sit down
立刻要斷裂的彈性,到目前為止是 teaser, hOOt 期待吧 coming sOOn 不要被嚇到了 calm down, down, down
dan, da, ra, dan, da, ra, dan 現在開始了
dan, da, ra, dan, da, ra, dan, sorry, no way out
等等吧 oh 將 tension 拉高、拉高 leggo
睜大雙眼 like 'OO'
watch out, baila, baila, baila, watch it how nice, how nice (OO)
watch out, baila, baila, baila, watch it how nice, how nice (OO)
come on 是一擊就要擊倒的時機了 eye drops
watch out, baila, baila, baila, watch it how nice, how nice
看見 0 和 1 的迷宮了嗎?不要只是看著 follow
cause everything is fake, but I ain't fake 真正的開始是從現在起
砰砰砰 see more, more, more 砰砰砰 scream O O O
現實般的 dream 現在不覺得厭倦了嗎?
沉睡的你 tap, tap 喚醒 knock, knock 快點 button 再 tap, tap 按下去吧 follow, follow me
never let you down, be with me, let me be your super hero
ay, zip, zap, zOOm, come on, come on 緊緊地抓住抓住我 just here we go
no 沒什麼好害怕的 never give up, baby 相信你和我
zero + zero = ∞, oh 不覺得有趣嗎?
ay, zip, zap, zOOm, come on, come on, baby, you are ma super hero
在太遲之前 try, baby, what U waitin' for?
cause now is the time, and finally we'll win
watch out, baila, baila, baila, watch it how nice, how nice (OO)
watch out, baila, baila, baila, watch it how nice, how nice (OO)
come on 是眨眼的時間了 babe
watch out, baila, baila, baila, watch it how nice, how nice (like 'OO')
怎樣?怎樣?怎樣呢?(OO) 很好、很好、很好 (ㅇㅇ) oh, my 掉落的心神,收拾好帶走吧 babe
watch out, baila, baila, baila 어서 follow, follow